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Submit your music


Please read every single word on this page before contacting St. Marys Radio.


If you do not follow the steps as they are written, your songs WILL NOT be accepted.

If you are unable to submit your songs according to these guidelines because of a social, mental, or physical limitation, please email us and we will be happy to assist you.

You must be 18 years of age or older. If you are under 18 years of age, please ask your parent or guardian to submit your songs on your behalf.



Your songs must:


STEP 1 - Be sent individually via email or using a file sharing service like Google Drive, Dropbox, or Microsoft OneDrive.


STEP 2 - Be in MP3 format.


STEP 3 - Have the song title in the song title field and the artist name in the artist name field.


STEP 4 - Be an original creation. No cover songs unless you provide documentation proving that you have permission from the original artist, their record label & management. Please include proof along with your submission.


STEP 5 - Not contain excessive profanity and/or lyrics pertaining to violence. If you think your parent or grandparent might be offended, please do not submit that song.


STEP 6 - Have no more than three seconds of dead air space at the beginning and end of the track.


Optional Step 7 - Submit your artist biography.



Ready to submit your music?

Please click the "Contact" tab and fill out our contact form to confirm with us that you have read every step of the submission guidelines on this page. We will then reply to your email which will automatically give you our email address to which you may submit your music.

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